DIG in to your Domino / Lotus Notes applications and benefit from the most accurate view of your Lotus Notes application landscape. And create a path to success with the least amount of risk and with a robust transformation, migration and decommissioning strategies to deliver Lotus Note archiving and modernisation fast and on budget.
We use the data from our DIG analysis software combined with our extensive Domino / Lotus Notes knowledge and experience to identity suitable migration, archiving and transformation solutions and strategies to meet your needs.
Not only do we provide a wider range of modernisation and archiving solutions than our competitors from the leading software vendors, we believe firmly in the right tool for the job to leverage incredible capabilities for your growth and future success. DIG provides us with the information and insight we need to clear the way for your success.
DIG generates detailed reports on each Lotus Notes application and identifies where applications are integrated and / or interdependent, to help you to understand the risks associated with retiring and transforming individual Notes applications.
In our experience, lack of risk management is a major reason why most 'get off Lotus Notes' initiatives fail. We understand the risks and pitfalls from our years of experience and deep understanding of Domino / Lotus Notes and we take them seriously.
Your integrated Lotus Notes applications are like a tower of interdependent blocks and you need to take care when removing each block. The information provided by DIG combined with our expert advice will enable you to pull each block with confidence without your application tower collapsing, so you can avoid unplanned (costly) technical debt and realise return on investment (ROI).
The DIG metrics reveal application usage, frequency of use, 'Power Users' and redundant users. This insight enables you to identify your critical applications and applications suitable for retirement / archiving and to streamline access to reduce support overheads and costs.
Understand your data to select the correct transformation or archiving solution. And finally make use of your historical Lotus Notes data with the latest data management solutions. Consolidate your Lotus Notes data and business data from multiple sources.
Your data is valuable. DIG in to your Domino security model, identifying how Lotus Notes applications and documents are secured so you can keep your valuable data safe and secure.
Understanding the volume, size and type of attachments stored within your Lotus Notes applications is essential to select a suitable platform for archiving or transformation.
Design complexity is a critical factor in understanding how to transform any Lotus Notes application. DIG analyses the complexity of each individual application, enabling you to identify your most complex applications and simple applications alike, so there are no surprises when you transform your applications. Understanding what you are dealing with is critical to create a robust transformation road map to finally get off the Domino / Lotus Notes platform.
DIG compares application designs to identify similarities. So you can identify opportunities to streamline and consolidate your applications to make them more efficient, reduce your application footprint and reduce support overheads and costs.
Based on a combination of your objectives and aspirations, the output from DIG and our experience and know-how; we make solid and informed recommendations for transforming and future proofing your applications and data with today's technology.
We aren't tied to specific solutions, and we have a wider range of options than our competitors.
And we set your Lotus Notes applications and data free, expediting your transformation projects with our powerful tools and APIs, operated by our team of experts.
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